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One of the quests for the current Battle Pass in LEGO Fortnite is to “Visit a Llama Island Head”, which is easier said than done.

The Llama Island Heads can randomly spawn anywhere in the new Lost Isles region, making them pretty tricky to find. What’s more, the game doesn’t even show you what you’re looking for! Thankfully, there are ways to work around their random spawning nature.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to find one of these rare Llama Island Heads with ease.

How to Complete “Visit a Llama Island Head” | LEGO Fortnite: Lost Isles

Example of a Llama Island Head

As we mentioned before: the Llama Island Head is hard to visit as it seems to be a completely random spawn, so it can appear anywhere in the Lost Isles in LEGO Fortnite. If you’re exploring your own world, there’s no way for us to tell you where to find it. All we can do is give you the image above. It shows a Llama Island Head in the wild as a reference for what you’re looking for.

Enable Player Fly Mode

To make things a bit easier, you could try completing this quest by enabling the Player Fly Mode. You can enable it from the World Settings, but it will set your world as a custom world. Alternatively, you can just play in Sandbox Mode instead. Either way, you can double-tap Jump when flight is enabled to move around faster.

Location with Seed

Another alternative is to simply use a world seed and go to a known spawn location. To do so, generate a new world using the seed 1965827555 and then head to the spot marked on the map above. We recommend enabling flight or using Sandbox Mode to make it easier to reach the spot, as well.

Llama Island Head on the hill

You should spot the Llama Island Head on top of a hill when you reach the marked spot. It’s out in the open so it should be extremely easy for you to notice it. Simply get close to it to complete the quest!

That’s all you need to know to complete the “Visit a Llama Island Head” quest in LEGO Fortnite: Lost Isles. This quest is one of the many quests you get during Week 1 of the Tropical Treasures Battle Pass. If you need help with the others, check out our guide for the Tropical Treasures Battle Pass Quests!

The post LEGO Fortnite – How to Complete “Visit a Llama Island Head” appeared first on Games Fuze.



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