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In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, there are a bunch of unique weapons, gear, and accessories that you can find through careful exploration or by completing certain quest chains. In this guide, we will be showing you some of them, which you might be able to weave into your build depending on your character.

We will try to keep this free of any spoilers since a lot of us are surely not far into the story yet.

Best Items to Get (Quests, Secret Locations)

Just to preface this, we are going to be covering a specific quest chain that will lead you to get a handful of unique items. These are not necessarily the best things in the game, but rather some really good upgrades to specific builds.

The specific quest you need to complete is called The Heart of Corruption, which is optional but will require you to progress a decent amount into the main storyline first. This requires the completion of three other side quests, which we will get to in the next few sections:

Side Quest #1 – Gate of Deep Sorrows

For the first part of the chain, you will need to complete Gate of Deep Sorrows. To do this, just follow the quest marker in Treviso. The path to this area might look different depending on a certain story moment, which I will not spoil for you here.

Upon reaching that area, you will find a blight cyst that you need to destroy. Be ready for a fight before you do so, and clear out all of the Venatori hanging out in this balcony first.

Destroying the cyst will release Desmal, Bloodbound to Elgar’nan. This champion fight might take you a while depending on your Rook’s level and difficulty settings. If you are pretty even or just slightly over 20, this will feel like a battle of attrition.

Once the champion is down, pick up his essence and return to the Crossroads. From there, just follow the map marker to get to the Gate of Deep Sorrows.

Dragon Age Veilguard desmal boss fight

Upon opening the gate using the champion’s essence, you can now proceed through this area and eventually face a powerful boss at the end. This enemy, whose name we will not show due to more major-ish spoilers, has a level of 32.

Use the appropriate attacks or damage types (e.g. heavy attacks for armor) to deplete its potentially varying health bars and you should be fine. When the boss is defeated, you will get yet another essence that will be used later on.

In addition to that, there will be a chest in the boss arena that contains The Burden, which is a unique amulet that increases the amount of damage you can deal if you reach a low health threshold. In addition to that, it also prevents you from recovering past 70% maximum health.

Dragon Age Veilguard the burden stats comparison page

Side Quest #2 – Gate of Parched Hopes

For the next two champions, you will first need to progress the story far enough until you can now access the Hossberg Wetlands. This occurs after you have recruited every possible companion to the Veilguard, so if you are far from that point, continue playing normally for now.

When you have finally reached this region, simply follow the quest marker for Gate of Parched Hopes. There, you will find yet another Blight Cyst, which obviously means one more champion to deal with.

The Disciple-in-Ichor is a different type of elite enemy from the previous one, so you will need to familiarize yourself with its patterns to take it down. This one is level 30, so we hope you have been doing those other side quests!

Once it has been defeated, pick up the Champion Essence as you did before. This will be used to open yet another locked area that should now be marked in the Crossroads.

Dragon Age Veilguard player picking up a champion essence

Just as before, going back to the Crossroads and following the marker will lead you to an area that you can now open up using the Champion Essence. At the end will be another boss fight, this time at a much higher level than before.

If you manage to beat it, you will get another piece of essence to be used later. In addition to that, a nearby chest will grant you the Andraste’s Will unique ring.

This item is great for fire builds, as it increases the duration of the Burning effect by 50%. It also increases the maximum number of stacks for this condition by one, and any other afflictions you inflict will also be converted to Burning while it is equipped.

Dragon Age Veilguard andraste's will stats comparison page

Side Quest #3 – Gate of Pale Reflections

Next, still in the Hossberg Wetlands, you will need to defeat one last champion outside of the Fade. This time, the boss will be level 35, as indicated by the Blight Cyst that contains it.

Amarell the Unwoven will drop a champion essence just like the rest of them, so just try to beat him as quickly as possible so we can move on. He is weak to fire, which might make it worth using Andraste’s Will from earlier if you have it. After killing the boss, do not forget to loot the chest nearby.

This will give you a different reward depending on your base class (not specialization).For example, a mage Rook will receive a Light of Starkhaven unique amulet, which increases your damage based on your mana pool.

Dragon Age Veilguard light of starkhaven stats comparison page

As with all the other side quests thus far, return to the Crossroads and go through the path that you can now access with the help of the boss’ essence. There, you will face yet another boss that guards not just their own essence, but also one more chest to loot.

For rogues, you will get the Arainai’s Talon, which is a massive upgrade for players who like to rely on necrotic damage. Other classes might get something else here, which may or may not be the best for your preferred build.

Dragon Age Veilguard arainai's talon weapon comparison page

Final Side Quest – The Heart of Corruption

Now that you have defeated all of the champions hidden behind barriers that also required you to beat other champions, you should now be in possession of three essences.

This is used to open the locked path marked by The Heart of Corruption side quest at the Crossroads. With all three on hand, you can now proceed to the final boss of the entire quest chain. It is not going to be an easy fight, so be prepared and bring a pair of companions that synergize with your build.

Once the boss has been defeated, the quest should be complete and you can loot one final chest that contains yet another unique item that is likely tailored to your class.

In the case of rogues, they will receive a ring known as The Last Resort. With this item, your damage will increase for every ability that you use. However, you will also become increasingly vulnerable until you reset the effect by blocking or dodging. It is a great item for aggressive and risky players.

Dragon Age Veilguard entrance to the final boss of heart of corruption + possible reward

And that is everything you need to know to arm yourself with a boatload of unique weapons and accessories without going too deep into spoiler territory. With these items, you can experiment even further with specialized builds, if you so desire!

The post Best Items to Get in Dragon Age: The Veilguard (Quests, Secret Locations) appeared first on Games Fuze.



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