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You might end up finding Untuned items as you explore in Brighter Shores, but you’ll be unable to do anything with them until you complete the quest to fix the Obelisk.

The Obelisk is a magical contraption that allows you to Tune equipment, making it useable. However, the Hopeport Obelisk seems to be busted. Nobody really knows what’s up with it, and fixing it is not as simple as just hammering away at it…

In this guide, we’ll help you complete the “The Obelisk” quest in Brighter Shores so that you can Tune all of your items at Hopeport!

The Obelisk Quest Complete Guide | Brighter Shores

To start the “The Obelisk” quest in Brighter Shores, go all the way east to Hopeport’s Town Gates in Episode 1. It will be available once you complete the game’s tutorial section and get the quest to reach Level 60.

Once there, make your way to the rampant above the gate and speak with Commander Hackett. Tell him that Corporal Binns said he needed help and a short cutscene will play out. A Goblin Thief will appear and nab a key for a treasure chest!

Go directly south of Commander Hackett’s position to chase the Goblin Thief and then kill it. Make sure that you kill a Goblin Thief, though, and not a Goblin Chief. Those don’t seem to count for this quest! Either way, the Goblin Thief will drop the key to Commander Hackett’s treasure chest.

Return to Commander Hackett and give him the key. He’ll open the chest and find two Untuned swords inside. He’ll give both of them to you and tell you to go to the Obelisk next.

You can find the Hopeport Obelisk directly southwest of the Town Square, as shown on the map above.

Once you get there, interact with the Obelisk in the middle of the room and try to Tune the swords. Corporal Merissina will tell you that it simply won’t work, the Obelisk isn’t responding right now. Apparently, the Downspike has been removed and most likely went downriver.

To find the Downspike, go to Wilhope Crossing. It’s southeast of the Hopeport Obelisk, as shown above.

You’ll see the massive Missing Obelisk Downspike in the river, next to the bridge. It’s impressive that this thing managed to float downriver at all! Well, anyway, pick it up and then return to the Hopeport Obelisk.

Deciphering the Tablet

Interact with the Hopeport Obelisk to insert the Downspike. However, even that didn’t seem to fix the Obelisk! Corporal Merissina will give you a tablet with instructions on how to fix the Obelisk. The thing is, she can’t make head nor tails of the darned thing.

After you receive the tablet, click on the Quest icon on the top right of the screen and select the Instruction Tablet.

The tablet seems to have some sigils which no one here seems to understand. Speak with Corporal Merissina again after viewing the tablet and she’ll tell you to go speak with Naybeth, who’s very likely to understand the tablet.

You can find Naybeth’s House directly south of the Town Gates in Hopeport. It’s the only building you can enter there.

Talk with Naybeth and tell her that you were told she could help interpret the tablet. She’ll hand you 4 different Sigil Tiles. The sigils on them correspond with the ones on the Instruction Tablet, so they’re most likely the key to fixing the Obelisk! Return to Hopeport Obelisk now.

Now, you have everything you need to solve the puzzle for the Obelisk. Rotate the camera so that you’re facing north and look for the 4 Ancient Posts in the area. You have to insert the Sigil Tiles on these Ancient Posts following the instructions on the tablet. Note that the north on the Instruction Tablet is at the bottom. The image above shows where to put each sigil, so you just need to imitate it.

The Cryoknight Appears

Placing all of the Sigil Tiles properly will summon a Cryoknight right in front of the Obelisk. Watch the short cutscene and then talk with the Cryoknight directly. He’ll attempt to fix the Obelisk himself, but Hopeport’s Magic Suppressor stops him. Sadly, that tile puzzle wasn’t enough to complete fixing the Obelisk in Brighter Shores…

Now you’ll need to go speak with Anjay Sandorman at the Training Ground. You should remember them from the game’s tutorial, but they are on the northwestern part of Hopeport.

Once you get there, tell Anjay that you need him to grant magic access to a Cryoknight. He’ll be surprised and will go over to Hopeport Obelisk to see what’s going on. Follow him by returning to the Obelisk once again as well.

Speak with Anjay in front of the Hopeport Obelisk and exhaust his dialogue. Then, interact with the Obelisk and use the Downspike on it again. The Obelisk will seemingly start working at long last!

To test it out, click on the Obelisk again and select Tune Item. Then, select both of the swords that Commander Hackett gave you earlier. They will be Tuned properly, making them useable. It seems the Hopeport Obelisk is finally operational!

All that’s left for you to do is to return to Commander Hackett at the Hopeport Town Gates and tell him about your success. You’ll now be able to use the Hopeport Obelisk to Tune any Untuned items you find! What’s more, you’ll also get 1 Uncommon Wall Guard’s Sword and 10,600 Guard Profession XP.

So, there you have it, that’s how to complete the “The Obelisk” quest in Brighter Shores. It was quite a long quest, but the ability to Tune items is well worth it!

Now, are you finding yourself lacking a bit of funds in this game? Check out our guide on how to make money AFK in Brighter Sands!

The post How to Complete The Obelisk Quest in Brighter Shores appeared first on Games Fuze.

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