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The Photo Mode update for Stellar Blade added the “Pisces” quest, which requires you to visit all 10 hidden fish locations to complete.

This quest starts automatically once you unlock the Photo Mode feature. To complete it, find all the 10 fish graffiti spread all over the Great Desert and take pictures of them. Return to the bulletin board once you’re done and you’ll get a brand-new outfit for EVE. It’s as simple as that!

That said, finding all the graffiti hidden in the Great Desert can be a royal pain without help. Worry not, though, we’ll tell you the exact locations of every single one of them.

All Hidden Fish Locations in Stellar Blade | Pisces Quest Guide

Precious Fish

Our first hidden fish is somewhere in the southern middle part of the Great Desert. Head to the spot marked above, northwest of the Solar Tower.

Once you’re there, look for the cliff to the south shown above.

Walk along the cliffside while looking down and you should spot a ledge you can drop down to.

Drop down to the ledge and look behind you. The hidden fish is on the wall behind you! What’s a fish doing on the ledge of a cliff, anyway?

Joyful Fish

To find this fish, go to the southeastern part of the Great Desert. You want to go to the spot marked above, on the easternmost ruins.

You should find a buried building with a bright orange box on its roof. Jump onto the roof and grab the orange box, pushing it to your left.

Then, hop onto the box and jump across the gap to the grabbable ledge on the next building. Shimmy to the left while grabbing the ledge to reach some poles. Use the poles to swing across to a faraway ladder.

Once you’re up the ladder, turn left and you’ll be facing a ramp. Go up the ramp to jump forward to grab onto another set of poles you can use to swing across.

Finish swinging across that set of poles and you’ll land on the top of a ruined building. Check the wall to your left to find the fish. Did whoever painted this one have to go through the same ordeal as you? That’s dedication!

Pure Fish

This fish, like the one before it, can also be found in the ruins in the eastern part of the Great Desert. It’s somewhere in the middle of the area, as you can see above.

You have to look for a tall building that has a large hole, allowing you to enter it.

Once inside the building, use the rope to get up to a higher floor where an enemy lies in wait with a bunch of explosive crates. Quickly take the enemy out, he’s blocking you from finding the fish!

When the enemy’s dead, check the northern wall of the building. For reference, it was the wall to your right as you climbed up the rope. You saved the fish from that fearsome foe! Or well, saved the fish graffiti anyway…

Mysterious Fish

To start, head to the northwestern part of the ruins in the middle of the Great Desert.

Look for the building with the tall sign outside of it. Go to the left of the sign.

Then, take a right and go into the dark alley between the ruined buildings.

Turn right once again when you reach the end of the alley to spot a metal fence with a bunch of explosive crates. Shoot the crates from afar to avoid getting damaged by then.

When you’ve dealt with the pesky crates, walk up to the metal fence and turn left to find the hidden fish. Were the explosive crates a trap set by whoever painted this graffiti?

Dreaming Fish

The 5th on our list of all hidden fish locations for the “Pisces” quest in Stellar Blade is the so-called Dreaming Fish. It’s near the northeastern part of the eastern ruins in the Great Desert. Sadly, this one has a very non-descript location. You’ll just have to go to the spot we marked on the map, northeast of the central dome building in the ruins.

Look for the buried skylights by the building with the metal picket fence.

The poor fish graffiti is on the side of a green box, right next to a corpse. Guess this graffiti wasn’t alone…

Vibrant Fish

For this one, you’ll need to go to the fishing hut in the oasis smack dab in the middle of the Great Desert. Of course, the fishing hut had to have at least one hidden fish, right?

The fish is on the side of the shelf with the batteries, next to the fishing hut proper. Not a particularly well-hidden one!

Rare Fish

You can find this fish on the highway ruins southeast of the fishing hut in the Great Desert. Start from the western point of the highway.

Once you get there, you’ll find a large orange supply box near a rock. Interact with it and push it all the way to the columns holding the highway.

Then, jump onto the crate and climb up the column to reach the scaffolding under the highway.

The rare fish graffiti is on the side of the column, near the crate on the scaffolding. It’s a pretty easy one to spot, considering all the hard work was pushing that orange crate from so far away…

Flamboyant Fish

For this fish, you’ll need to go to the western edge of the Great Desert map. Go to the spot marked on the map above specifically.

Once there, you’ll find a wall with a ledge you can grab onto. Grab onto it and wait for it to ascend so you can reach the nearby pole.

Then, grab onto the pole and swing across to the floating platform robots. Use the robots to jump across and reach the balcony to your left.

From that balcony, jump onto the next floating platform robot and then jump to the next balcony in front of you.

Interact with the device by the steel gate.

Once the steel gate opens up, jump down to the room below and look for the bed on your left. The fish is flamboyantly drawn on the wall, right above the headrest. Seems like it needed a nap…

Cute Fish

It sounds a bit odd, but for this fish you have to go to the southwestern corner of the northern part of the Great Desert. It’s the spot marked above, where two gigantic cylindrical structures lay.

Get right between both of the cylindrical structures there.

Look toward the east and you should spot the cute fish graffiti on the side of the large cylinder. We have no idea what makes it particularly cute since it looks the same as all the others, but it is what it is!

Graceful Fish

At long last, the 10th and final fish in our list of hidden fish locations for the “Pisces” quest in Stellar Blade! For this one, you just have to go to the shipwreck on the northwestern part of the Great Desert.

Check the northern side of the ship to find the fish graffiti on its hull. Snap a quick picture of it as you have with all the others and you’re all done! If you followed our guide in order, at least.

If you did indeed follow our exact order, though, you can now return to the bulletin board to report the completion of the “Pisces” quest. As a reward, you’ll get the War Dress outfit for EVE. Call us crazy, but we get the feeling this one’s going to be a fan favorite…

This isn’t the only quest for taking photos of graffiti added with the Photo Mode update, however. For more, check out our guide on where to find all the hidden butterfly locations for the “Like Butterflies” quest. It works similarly to this quest and will reward you with another outfit for EVE!

The post Stellar Blade: All Hidden Fish Locations | Pisces Guide appeared first on Games Fuze.



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