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Throne & Liberty gets its first all new weapon type since launch thanks to the Spear, but you’ll need to know its loot drop locations to get it.

The Spear is set to be an extremely versatile weapon. It can dish out fantastic melee damage and has great Crowd Control abilities. On top of that, you can also throw it as a projectile to deal ranged damage when needed. As we said, it’s quite a versatile weapon type!

In this guide, we’ll tell you all about every known Spear type weapon and their loot drop locations in Throne & Liberty.

How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | Throne & Liberty: All Spear Loot Drop Locations

Queen Bellandir’s Starving Spear

Queen Bellandir | Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations

The first potential loot drop location for a unique Spear is the Queen Bellandir archboss. You can fight Queen Bellandir at the Queen’s Trap inside the Sandworm Lair. This archboss spawns once every week on Saturday at 13:00 UTC.

Queen Bellandir in-game

We recommend trying to fight this archboss in Peace instead of in Conflict so you don’t have to deal with any PvP nonsense. However, you don’t need to deal much damage or land the killing blow or anything. Just make sure to land a hit or two to tag it and you’ll be able to claim its rewards once it’s defeated.

If you end up fighting Queen Bellandir in Conflict and you die, don’t resurrect. Stay as a tombstone and let other players take care of the boss. Resurrecting will reset your damage dealt to Queen Bellandir, which can potentially cause you to miss out on rewards if you don’t land another hit before the boss dies.

Queen Bellandir's Starving Spear

Anyway, you can get the Queen Bellandir’s Starving Spear as a potential reward for helping defeat the boss. It comes with the unique “Queen Bellandir’s Hunger” ability.

This ability enhances your Death From Above skill, reducing its cooldown by 15 seconds. It will also apply the Collision: Pull effect on any enemies that are afflicted by Fear after using the Death From Above skill. It will draw them to you, making it a fantastic spear for Crowd Control.

Junobote’s Lava Spear

Junobote | Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations

Similar to the previous unique Spear, you can get this as a loot drop from the Junobote boss. This boss is tied to a world event, so you can look for it within your Schedule in-game whenever you want. Junobote always appear in the Sanctum of Desire Dungeon.

Junobote in the Guild

Alternatively, you can summon Junobote directly within your Guild Hall if your Guild has reached Level 17 at a minimum.

Either way, dealing damage to the boss will give you a chance to claim Junobote’s Lava Spear as a reward once the boss is defeated.

Junobote's Lava Spear

As for what makes this Spear unique, it has the “Junobote’s Fire” ability. This ability summons a flame zone around you once you use the Bloodlech Aura skill. The flame zone deals 120% Base Damage per second over 5 seconds. It also inflicts the Ignite status effect upon landing a Critical Hit.

Shaikal’s Tentacle Spear

Shaikal | Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations

Last but not least, this Spear drops from a Co-Op Dungeon. To have a chance to grab Shaikal’s Tentacle Spear, you must defeat Shaikal at the end of the Cursed Wasteland Co-Op Dungeon. There don’t seem to be any other drop locations at all for this unique Spear in Throne & Liberty.

Shaikal's Tentacle Spear

What sets this Spear apart from the others is its “Shaikal’s Sky” ability. It increases the damage of your Javelin Surge skill by 15% and also makes the projectile penetrate enemies. Fantastic for skewering lines of foes! Cooldown Reset doesn’t apply to this ability.

Pakilo Naru’s Sawblade Spear (Korea)

Pakilo Naru | Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations

You can get this Spear by defeating Pakilo Naru, either as a World Boss or as a Guild Boss by summoning him at your Guild Hall. It’s pretty much the same as with Junobote earlier. You can see the availability for the World Boss version in your in-game Schedule.

However, the catch here is that Pakilo Naru is only currently available on the Korean server, as he belongs to the Talandre region.

If you’re playing the Global version of the game, you’ll have to wait until Talandre gets released globally. There’s no exact date for that yet, but it’s supposed to come out in the first quarter of 2025.

Anyway, this Spear has the unique “Pakilo Naru’s Barrier” ability. Damaging an enemy with any Spear skill will add one stack of Pakilo Naru’s Barrier, up to 10 stacks. This will increase all of your CC Resistances by 25 for 3 seconds. Each Spear skill can only add one stack at the same time, so you’ll need to rotate skills to maximize its potential.

Deluzhnoa’s Hail Spear (Korea)

Deluzhnoa | Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations

This is the second Spear available from an archboss, as it’s an exclusive drop of the Deluzhnoa archboss. Deluzhnoa spawns once a week at the Quietis’s Demesne in Talandre and can be found in your Schedule in-game.

Similar to what we mentioned before with Pakilu Naru, though, this will only be available for the Korean version at first.

Deluzhnoa is part of the Talandre region, which is still unavailable in the Global version. Global players will have to wait until at least the first quarter of 2025 to enter Talandre.

Manage to deal some damage to the boss before its defeat and you’ll be able to claim some of its loot as a reward. If you’re lucky, you’ll get Deluzhnoa’s Hail Spear!

This Spear has the unique “Deluzhnoa’s Waves” ability. It gives you an 80% chance to inflict Collision: Push when charging the Rising Slash skill toward a target. If this triggers and you push the enemy against a wall, they’ll get the Stun status effect for 3 seconds.

Other Sources | All Spear Loot Drop Locations in Throne & Liberty

Call of the Spear Trailer Screenshot | Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations

Aside from the unique Spears and their set loot drop locations mentioned above, you can also get Spears from some more random sources. This includes killing regular mobs and opening any Weapon Chests you have.

Aside from that, you can also use the Crafting system to make your own Spears. Plus, you can also purchase the basic Common-tier Spears from Merchants in any town. They’re nothing fancy, but they’re decent enough if you just want to start playing with this new weapon type…

So, there you have it, that’s all of the currently known loot drop locations for the new Spear weapon in Throne & Liberty. Mind you, this is all based on the pre-release information we have at the moment. There might be more unique Spears and loot sources for it once it becomes publicly available!

The post Throne & Liberty: How to Get Spear Weapon Guide | All Spear Loot Drop Locations appeared first on Games Fuze.



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