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Enshrouded just got one of its biggest updates yet, Souls of the Frozen Frontier, which includes the Spooky Grave dungeon and the new Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set you can find within the dungeon.

The Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set, as you might guess from its name, is a fairly edgy-looking one. It’s a black robe featuring a skull mask and a belt made of bones. It doesn’t get much edgier than that, does it? That said, all its 5 separate pieces are hidden all over the Spooky Grave. You’ll have to explore to get it!

In this guide, we’ll give you a step-by-step exploration guide for the Spooky Grave that’ll make it much easier for you to find every part of the Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set.

How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

Dungeon Location | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

To start your journey to find the Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set in Enshrouded, you must first find the Spooky Grave dungeon. It’s directly north of the Howling Peak in the Albaneve map, on the spot marked on the image above.

Spooky Grave Entrance

The entrance to the dungeon looks like a square-shaped set of ruins. Approach it to find stairs leading down. Just take the stairs once you’re ready to dive in. Make sure to bring some light sources and ways to deal with the Shroud, though!

Now, let’s go over how to reach each piece of the Hollow’s Eve set. We highly recommend following this guide in order, since that’s the easiest way to find each piece.

Hollow’s Eve Hood

Hood Path | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

As soon as you go down the stairs, you should see a hallway heading west directly in front of you.

Hood Path

Go down the hallway until you reach the intersection, then take the left. Do note the wall behind the skeleton at the intersection is a fake wall, so you can interact with it to reveal a Silver Chest. You don’t need it for the Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set, but it’s a nice bonus!

Hood Path

Anyway, you’ll end up in a large room with a spike trap once you go left at the intersection. Jump over the spike trap to make it to the other side.

Hood Path

Then, inspect the wall on your right once you reach the dead end. It will move aside and reveal a hidden chamber with a chest.

Hood Obtained | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

Pop that chest open and you’ll receive the Hollow’s Eve Hood!

Hollow’s Eve Boots

Boots Path | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

Right after you pick up the hood piece, backtrack over the spike trap room to the intersection from before. This time, continue straight forward, heading west.

Boots Path

Follow the path until you reach a red room with a bright red floor. Jump across the gap and continue north to the next room.

Boots Path

After crossing the gap and entering the room to the north, turn to either side and take the stairs leading down. Then go into the hallway leading further north.

Boots Path

You’ll once again reach another intersection. Just like before, take the path to the left and head west. Also, the wall at the intersection is yet another fake wall with a Silver Chest behind it. Grab it while you’re there!

Boots Path

Once you reach the end of the path, turn to your left to find some wooden planks blocking a coffin. Use an axe to break down the planks.

Boots Obtained | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

Open the coffin and the Hollow’s Eve Boots are all yours!

Hollow’s Eve Gloves

Gloves Path | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

The third piece of the Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set you can find in the Spooky Grave in Enshrouded is the gloves. To start, backtrack to the previous intersection and continue to the east this time.

Gloves Path

Once you enter the next room, turn south and go down the hallway.

Gloves Path

You’ll reach a large room with a glowing coffin on the opposite end. Just walk straight ahead and open up that coffin!

Gloves Obtained | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

The Hollow’s Eve Gloves will pop out of the coffin and into your inventory. Pretty neat, right?

Hollow’s Eve Pants

Pants Path | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

Next up, it’s time to go get the pants of the set. Backtrack from the Hollow’s Eve Gloves location to the previous large room. You should see some wooden planks directly in front of you as you enter the room facing north.

Pants Path

Go to either side of the wooden planks to get behind them, then take the hallway heading north.

Pants Path

You’ll reach another large room with stairs going down to both sides. Simply take the stairs down and continue through the hallway to the east.

Pants Path

Be warned, the next large room has a spike trap. Carefully jump over it and cross over to the next exit!

Pants Path

In the next large room, turn to your left and take the northern exit.

Pants Path

The next large room has yet another spike trap, though this one works a bit differently. Pay attention to the timing of when the spikes emerge and time yourself so that you don’t get caught by the spikes. Deal with the spikes and make your way to the western exit.

Pants Path

You’ll now be in a massive room with a large coffin directly in front of you. Make your way to the coffin and open it up. Don’t worry, there won’t be a scary monster inside.

Pants Obtained | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

The Hollow’s Eve Pants will emerge from the coffin… and get in your inventory!

Hollow’s Eve Chest

Chest Path | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

At long last, the 5th and final piece of the Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set you can find in Enshrouded, you won’t have to spend too much more time in the Spooky Grave! Backtrack past the large spike trap room and go into the next large room. Then take the southern exit out of the room.

Chest Path

In the bright red room, turn to your right and jump across the gaps to reach another exit to the south.

Chest Path

Then, just continue down the linear path until you find yet another large crypt, just like the one for the Hollow’s Eve Pants before.

Chest Obtained | Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave

Open up the crypt and you’ll get the Hollow’s Eve Chest!

So, there you have it, that’s how to find every piece of the Hollow’s Eve cosmetic set in the Spooky Grave dungeon in Enshrouded. If you haven’t done so yet, it’s also a good idea to collect the Artifacts in the Hollow Halls. They’re nice collectibles that were added with a previous update, but still worth collecting. Plus, they fit the spooky theme!

The post Enshrouded: How to Find Hollow’s Eve Cosmetic Set in the Spooky Grave appeared first on Games Fuze.


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