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Fortnite has been killing it with the updates recently, and with the latest season and chapter, there are all kinds of quests to complete as a part of the overarching storyline. In this guide, we will be covering the quest chain involving the Great Turtle. To be specific, we will be talking about the mission to “Help Ryuji free The Great Turtle of Dark Magic Thorns”.

How to Help Ryuji Clear the Great Turtle’s Shell of Dark Magic Thorns Guide

First, you will need to look for the Great Turtle. The unfortunate part is that it will spawn in random locations every match. Because of this, you will just have to keep an eye out for a large grassy turtle before you drop out of the bus or while you are gliding down.

Our only tip here is to look for large bodies of water. Places like the lake where Whiffy Wharf is located are what you are looking for, and you should be able to see the giant turtle from afar. Once you find one, drop onto it.

Once you are on top of the Great Turtle, you just need to look for dark magic thorns, which have red spots and a sinister red and black aura all around them.

You need to destroy a total of five of these in order to complete the quest. If you are playing with a group, you can spread out and destroy them individually. As long as your teammates are the ones breaking them, all of you will get credit towards the quest progress.

Fortnite finding the turtle and magic thorns

The only thing to note here is that you will very likely be competing against other players, and I do not mean fighting them like you normally would. Since most other people are doing this quest too, you might have no magic thorns to destroy even if you find the Great Turtle.

So, basically, in addition to having to search for the Great Turtle, you will also need to get lucky and pray to the gods that nobody else has gotten there before you. If you cannot seem to find any dark magic thorns on the turtle, you will just have to start another match and check again!

While you are here, if you still need more help searching for the Giant Turtle, you are in luck. Check out this guide on how to find the Giant Turtle in Fortnite for a more in-depth look at the known possible spawn locations of this large creature!

The post Fortnite: How to Help Ryuji Clear the Great Turtle’s Shell of Dark Magic Thorns Guide appeared first on Games Fuze.


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