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Mystwood is one of the many crafting materials you can find in Throne & Liberty, and a fairly common one.

You can use this special wood to craft a large variety of weapons, such as Crossbows, Wands, and Staves. Depending on your build, Mystwood is a must-have for crafting the best gear for you!

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to get as much Mystwood as possible, as easily as possible.

How to Get Mystwood | Throne & Liberty

There are many ways to get Mystwood in Throne & Liberty, but gathering it is by far the best one. You can gather it by chopping down Star Trees around Solisium. You can find them most easily in the Golden Rye Pastures, Abandoned Stonemason Town, and Moonlight Desert regions.

To see this in the game itself, click “How To Acquire” when checking the details for the Mystwood.

Out of these regions, Golden Rye Pastures is the one with the weakest enemies. As such, it’s also the safest. We’ve marked its location on the map above.

Once you’re in one of the regions we mentioned, look for Star Trees. Any nearby Star Trees will be marked on your minimap with a log icon, as well. You can see the Star Tree and its icon in the example image above.

Worth noting that you shouldn’t confuse them with Fruit Star Trees, which don’t seem to drop Mystwood when chopped down.

Anyway, just interact with the Star Trees to chop them down and gather their materials. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a random amount of Mystwood. However, Mystwood isn’t a guaranteed drop and the amount of Mystwood you get is also random. Sometimes you’ll get other materials instead!

Additionally, it’s worth noting that you can also get Mystwood by using the Selection Chests you get from completing quests and Contracts. However, we recommend saving those for rarer materials, such as the Common-tier Magithread!

Speaking of rarities, you’ll notice that chopping down Star Trees will mainly give you Common-tier Mystwood. So, let’s go over how to get rarer variants as well!

Obtaining Higher Rarity Mystwood

The easiest way to obtain higher-tier Mystwood in Throne & Liberty is to simply craft it. You can essentially convert lower rarities of materials into higher rarities, and Mystwood is no exception. Here’s what you need for every single Mystwood tier:

  • Quality Mystwood – Mystwood x5
  • Rare Mystwood – Quality Mystwood x5
  • Precious Mystwood – Rare Mystwood x5

The 5-to-1 conversion rate might not be too enticing, but it’s still your best bet for getting rarer Mystwood variants. While you can also gather Quality and Rare Mystwood from Star Trees naturally, their drop chances are extremely low. Precious Mystwood, on the other hand, is exclusively obtained from crafting!

But well, that’s the end of our guide on how to get Mystwood in Throne & Liberty. All that’s left is for you to go out there and start chopping down all the Star Trees you find! Good luck with the gathering!

The post How to Get Mystwood in Throne & Liberty appeared first on Games Fuze.


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