Brunswick, a legendary knight, had an equally legendary armor. Each piece has been scattered across the world, however… but this quest reveals clues to their whereabouts. Use these clues to find the full armor set and get an advantage in the early game!
In this guide, we’ll tell you where to go to find every piece of Brunswick’s Armor and complete The Lion’s Crest DLC quest.
How to Find Brunswick’s Armor | Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: The Lion’s Crest

To start The Lion’s Crest quest, you must first speak to Scribe Gaibl. You can find him at his house in Troskowitz. He’s marked on the map with a purple dragon crest icon. Simply meet with him and inquire about Brunswick’s Armor to start the quest.
Now, keep in mind that you’ll need to have a spade to collect and find every piece of Brunswick’s Armor in The Lion’s Crest quest for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. If you don’t have one yet, check out our guide on how to get a free spade shovel. Make sure to pick it up before starting!
If you already have a spade, read on, and let’s start hunting for this armor.
Brunswick’s Dagger and Gauntlets

For the first treasure chest in this quest, go to the shrine directly north of Trosky Castle.

The shrine itself is inside a small cave along the cliff, not too far off from the nearby road. You’ll spot it when you see a cross surrounded by candles, like the image above.

Interact with the cross to move it and reveal a digging spot. This is what you needed the spade for! Then, interact with the digging spot to reveal a small treasure chest. Open the chest up to grab a lot of goodies, including Brunswick’s Dagger and Brunswick’s Gauntlets. You’ll also get a parchment with the clue to the next location!
Chainmail Coif, Plate Leg Armour, and Horse Caparison

Next up, you need to go to the Wolf Hunting Spot north of Tachov. As another reference point, the spot is west of the Chapel in the Rocks. Be prepared before you go there, though, as you’ll need to fend off a pack of wolves!

Once you’ve dealt with the wolves, look for a pair of pale trees close together. Look between the trees to find a sack with Brunswick’s loot! This time you’ll get the Chainmail Coif and Plate Leg Armour pieces. On top of that, you’ll get Brunswick’s Caparison for horses. Of course, you’ll also get the clue for the next treasure. Now, that’s some fine loot, right?
Brunswick’s Plate Sleeves

For this treasure chest, go to the Crosses in the Road on the western side of the Vidlak Pond.

Make your way up to the cross atop the hill from the nearby settlement. Open up the treasure chest in front of the cross to claim this piece of Brunswick’s Armor and get the clue for the next one! It’s not as rewarding as some of the previous chests so far, though…
Brunswick’s Brigandine

Next, go to the Cross and Skeleton location. It’s in the forest directly north of the Zhelejov Wagoners Inner.

Get to the top of the hill in the forest and you’ll find a skeleton sitting under a tree. Seems they lived their last moments out in the tree’s shade, huh? Either way, loot the sack next to the skeleton to claim the Brunsick’s Brigandine armor piece and get the clue to your next piece.
By the way, you can also grab the sword the skeleton holds. It won’t be needing it anymore, but it might come in handy for you…
Brunswick’s Bascinet

Last but not least, go to the Treasure Hunters’ Camp between the Nomads’ Camp and Bozhena’s Shack. Be warned that there are bandits in this location, so be ready to take them out!

You’ll find a cairn with a cross at the top in the middle of the camp here. Just approach the cairn and interact with it to loot it and get the final piece of Brunswick’s Armor!
That’s the end of The Lion’s Crest quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, as you now know where to find all of the pieces for Brunswick’s Armor. All that’s left for you to do is to wear this legendary armor set and continue your adventure!
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