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Do you need help understanding how Abyssal Contracts Tokens work? I got you. I’ll be guiding you through Abyssal Contract Tokens in Throne & Liberty. These tokens are incredibly important for acquiring rare gear, lithographs, crafting materials, and more. In this guide, I’ll show you where to get them, how to use them, and some tips to maximize your gains!

Abyssal Contracts & Tokens Explained | Where To Get & How To Use

Abyssal Contract Tokens are one of the main ways to acquire rare gear, lithographs, and crafting materials. You can store up to 20,000 tokens at a time, visible in the top right corner of your screen. As you earn and spend these tokens, they become essential for improving your chances of obtaining better loot, making them a crucial resource for progressing in the game.

Where to Get Abyssal Tokens

You can earn Abyssal Contract Tokens in several ways, with the primary method being through Resistance Contracts, available from any Contract Manager in the main cities. Completing these daily contracts rewards roughly 50 tokens per contract. Additionally, you can find Abyss Charge Stones during quests and in the campaign, which grant 100 tokens when used. While you can build up a decent stock early on, be mindful that tokens become harder to accumulate as you progress.

Abyssal Tokens earned in Contracts.

Using Abyssal Tokens in Dungeons

Abyssal Dungeons, like the Ant Nest, are key locations where your tokens are put to use. These dungeons contain mobs that drop higher-quality loot when Abyssal Tokens are consumed. Here’s how it works:

  • Better Loot: As long as you have Abyssal Tokens, each mob you kill in the dungeon will consume a small number of tokens, increasing your chances of receiving rare drops. For example, I had 10,167 tokens before entering a dungeon, and after killing a mob, my token count dropped to 10,157.
  • Loot Rarity: By farming mobs in these dungeons, you can acquire green, blue, and even epic gear. For example, just by farming for a short time, I managed to get a blue hat right near the dungeon’s entrance.

Importance of Abyssal Tokens for Gear Progression

Abyssal Tokens aren’t just for random drops—they also play a big role in crafting. As you gather items from dungeons, you can use them to complete entries in your lithograph book. By filtering to “Uncommon” and “Rare” lithographs, you can see what materials you need to craft higher-tier gear. This makes Abyssal Dungeons one of the best sources for crafting progression, as many of the materials for lithographs come directly from these dungeons.

Using Abyssal Tokens in crafting.

Token Farming Tips

  • Day vs Night: Dungeons like the Ant Nest switch between peaceful PvE zones during the day and PvP zones at night. If you prefer avoiding PvP combat, stick to daytime runs, especially if you’re solo.
  • Efficient Farming: While tokens are crucial for better drops, avoid overspending them early on. You won’t always get loot from mobs that have already been damaged by other players (mobs turn gray), but it’s still possible to get rewards if you contribute to their defeat. Also, save your tokens for farming gear that matches your level, as this will ensure you’re using them efficiently.

Managing Your Token Supply

Abyssal Contract Tokens are limited, especially after you’ve used up your initial batch from early leveling. After leveling from 1 to 50 and completing various contracts, you may end up with around 8,000 tokens. Be cautious about spending them, as they are not easy to replenish once you’ve exhausted your initial sources.

As of now, the highest dungeon available is the Ant Nest. Other dungeons like Sanctum and Saroma Island are not yet accessible in early access, but keep an eye out as the game updates and evolves.

Don’t Avoid Open World Dungeons!

Abyssal Contract Tokens are a vital resource in Throne and Liberty, offering a quick way to gear up and gather materials for crafting. Be sure to complete your daily contracts, use your tokens wisely in dungeons, and keep an eye on your lithograph progression. Just make sure not to avoid Open World Dungeons like I did before, so you don’t miss out on the tokens!

The post Throne & Liberty: Abyssal Contracts & Tokens Explained | Where To Get & How To Use appeared first on Games Fuze.

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