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Depending on when you read this, Throne & Liberty is now playable for early access pack owners, and as of writing this, global release is just a couple of days away. With that in mind, there are a lot of settings to tweak that will affect your overall experience, and if you feel like your computer won’t be able to keep up with the requirements, we’ve got you covered. Here are some settings that you can change to optimize your experience!

Important Settings to Change & FPS Optimization

Before we get started, just keep in mind that a lot of settings here will be largely based on personal preference or not necessarily applicable to every setup. That’s why we will try to keep this as general as possible and give you some suggestions that you can play around with yourself.

We will be starting off with some gameplay-related stuff first before moving on to some specific framerate optimizations. However, keep in mind that some of the gameplay settings do have a slight impact on your FPS, and we will point those out as they are covered.

Gameplay Settings – Controls

Quick Skill Targeting / Casting

Under the “Gameplay” section of the settings menu, in the “Controls” subcategory, scroll down until you find the option called “Easy Direction/Location Designated Skills”. This is off by default, and you might want to turn it on.

What this setting does is that it allows you to immediately cast any targeted skill in your hotbar. Normally, pressing the ability will bring up the range or area of effect first, and then you will have to click at the target location to actually cast it.

With the setting turned on, you can instead hold an ability’s button in order to view its range or area of effect and then let go to cast it. This is more efficient, though as an entirely new player, you might want to keep it off until you get used to the range of your skills.

Still Under “Controls” – Automatic Amitoi Healing

If you scroll down to the bottom of the Gameplay settings menu, you will also find the “Amitoi Recovery” function. Long story short, these are essentially “pets” that will automatically heal you, among other things.

Here, you will want to set the “Health Level to Start Using Amitoi Recovery” all the way up to 100%. This will ensure that your Amitoi will always try to top your health up to maximum whenever it can rather than waiting for it to reach a certain threshold first.

Also, make sure that it is always active in PVP as well. This might be on by default already, but just in case it isn’t, make sure to check that box!

Throne & Liberty setting menu showing targeting and amitoi recovery stuff

Gameplay Settings – Character

Damage Floaters

A lot of the settings under the “Character” sub category will be completely up to your personal preference, but one thing that you might want to pay attention to is the following options:

  • Display Damage Floater Effect
  • Maximize Damage Floater

If you plan on participating in large scale PVP, or if you just really want to squeeze out every bit of framerate out of your system, you might want to turn both of them off.

What this will do is drastically reduce the size of the damage numbers that will appear above your targets for every tick of damage. Depending on your system, having these settings on will have a noticeable effect on your game’s performance as you deal damage to more enemies simultaneously.

Show Character Names & Amitois

Right under the damage floater options, you will find the character name settings. This is something that will be entirely based on your own preferences. Personally, I like to have name and health turned on for every single player, even allies.

If you think that there is too much clutter on the screen with that setting on, you might want to turn off the settings under “Friendly Player Characters”. Again, this is all up to your preferences, and if you are playing as a healer or tank, you will definitely want health turned on at the very least.

Finally, at the very bottom of this sub category, you will find more Amitoi-related settings. If you are struggling to maintain a high FPS, especially with a lot of players around, turn off “Show Others’ Amitoi”. This is a nice way to reduce clutter in general, but it will also bump your framerate up a bit in mass content. You can hide your own Amitoi as well if you want.

Throne & Liberty setting menu showing damage floaters and amitoi visibility

Gameplay Settings – Target Selection

Next is the “Target Selection” sub category. The only thing to take note here are the “Target Selection Method” and Auto-Target when Attacking” settings, which you will want to tweak specifically for PVP.

If you are doing PVE, you can keep both at the default “Circular Search by Distance” setting. On the flip side, if you are going to be doing some PVP, switch it over to “Search by Order of Priority” and then make sure that only the following options are checked:

  • Priority 1: Attacking Players
  • Priority 3: Hostile Guild
  • Priority 4: Feud Players
  • Priority 5: Hostile Players

By doing this, you will ensure that your character does not randomly target monsters if they are within range of you. This will come in handy in certain zones, as there will occasionally be PVE targets scattered throughout PVP areas.

Throne & Liberty setting menu showing the target priority options

For every other sub category after this, there aren’t any more useful tips we can give you as those are 100% subjective and have absolutely no effect on your framerate. Maybe consider checking out the Camera sub category and tweaking stuff there to your liking.

Graphics Settings – Screen & Quality

Since your graphics settings will be highly dependent on your hardware, everything under this section will just be a bunch of suggestions that might help you squeeze out some more frames out of your system.

For starters, if you are having serious issues maintaining a high framerate with a 2K or higher monitor, it might be ideal for you to lower your resolution to 1920 x 1080. It’s a fairly extreme solution that will sacrifice quality for smoothness, but it works.

If you are using an NVIDIA GPU, you obviously want to keep DLSS on at your preferred setting (I like Quality personally). With a 4000 series card, you can also squeeze out more by turning on frame generation. Feel free to test FSR2 and XeSS too, since some systems might run the game better using either of those instead of DLSS.

Quality Settings

Under the Quality sub category, you will find all of the more specific graphics options of the game. Although a lot of this can easily boil down to personal preference, you might want to turn off Motion Blur at the very least.

In terms of things that actually impact your FPS, though, consider putting all of the adjustable settings to low or medium, especially stuff like Volumetric Clouds/Fog and the Shadows/Shading-related options. Hair Strands is said to be a huge FPS hit too, so keep it off at all times.

Some other options that, in my opinion, are pretty inconsequential that you can always set to the lowest possible setting are stuff like Vegetation Quality and Anti-Aliasing. You really only want these high if you’re taking screenshots.

Finally, keep “Optimize Large-Scale Combat” on if you ever plan on participating in mass PVP. These types of activities can be chaotic and laggy, so letting the game automatically adjust things for you in this case will be a huge help.

Throne & Liberty settings menu with graphics options shown

And those are all of the settings you should be mindful of, both from a gameplay and performance standpoint. Now that you are ready to take on the game itself, consider taking a peek at our best weapon combinations tier list to find yourself a build to get started with!

The post Throne & Liberty: Important Settings to Change & FPS Optimization appeared first on Games Fuze.


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